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Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014


NPM    :           27211386
KELAS  :           3EB24

1.      Before going to the 1st question, just check out the beginning of every paragraph. This will make an overall idea about the organization. Don't use more than 30sec for this.
2.      Answer the reference questions first (Vocabulary/Word reference, Pronoun reference, Highlighted sentence, Sentence Insertion etc.) - To answer these questions, most of the time, you will not have to read any other sentence than the indicated one. Therefore, these are time savers. A little information about the sentence insertion question is that, read the given sentence very carefully. If it starts with a pronoun, then identify to what it may refer to. Go to the passage and check the sentences preceding the insertion boxes. Think whether the pronoun of the given sentence can refer to the subject (or idea) presented in this sentence. Even if the given sentence does not start with a pronoun, usually you will be able to identify where to insert the sentence by reading only 9 sentences (Given sentence + the sentence before each box + the sentence after each box). However, generally, you'll need much lesser reading than this.
3.      Now go for the inference type questions (and any other types of questions not indicated in this post). Try to stick into the paragraph if it is mentioned. If not, the knowledge on overall organization of the essay (got in step 1) will help here. If that also fails, check out where the previous and next question came from. It is most likely that the answer of this question falls in between the answers of the previous and next question. I named this method as "TOEFL Sandwich". Read the middle part of the sandwich carefully and answer the question.
4.      Now go for the "Except" type questions. These questions generally take more time because it needs searching for 4 different information. Going through step 3 will already reduce a lot of works, i.e. you have read a lot of things already. Now, first, read each answer choice and then find related information from the passage and decide whether you need to consider this choice or need to refute it. Using this approach, I've found these questions answerable in very short time.
5.      Now, go for the summary/Classify type questions. If you forget about the organization of the passage by this time and if there is about 3~4 mins left (not less than it),repeat step 1. When answering the summary questions, do not take an answer only because you have read that in the passage. Take only those answers which represent a broader idea than others. 

The discoveries of the white dwarf, the neutron star, and the black hole, coming well after the discovery of the red giant are among eh most exciting developments in decades because they may be well present physicists with their greatest challenge since thefailure of classical mechanics. In the life cycle of the star, after all of the hydrogen and helium fuel has been burned, the delicate balance between the outer nuclear radiation.pressure and the stable gravitational force becomes disturbed and slow contraction begins. As compression increases, a very dense plasma forms. If the initial star had mass of less than 1.4 solar masses (1.4 times the mass of our sun), the process ceases at the density of 1,000 tons per cubic inch, and the star becomes the white dwarf. However, if the star was originally more massive, the white dwarf plasma can’t resist the gravitations pressures, and in rapid collapse, all nuclei of lthe star are converted to a gas of free neutrons. Gravitational attraction compresses this neutron gas rapidly until a density of 10 tons per cubic inch is reached; at this point the strong nuclear force resists further contraction. If the mass of the star was between 1.4 and a few solar masses, the process stops here, and we have a neutron star. But if the original star was more massive than a few solar masses, even the strong nuclear forces cannot resist the gravitational orunch. The neutrons are forced into one another to form heavier hadrons and these in turn coalesce to form heavier entities, of which we as yet know nothing. At this point, a complete collapse of the stellar mass occurs; existing theories predict a collapse to infinite density and infinitely small dimensions Well before this, however, the surface gravitational force would become so strong that no signal could ever leave the star - any photon emitted would fall back under gravitational attraction – and the star would become black hole in space. This gravitational collapse poses a fundamental challenge to physics. When the most widely accepted theories predict such improbable things as infinite density and infinitely small dimensions, it simply means that we are missing some vital insight. This last happened in physics in the 1930’s, when we faced the fundamental paradox concerning atomic structure. At that time, it was recognized that electrons moved in table orbits about nuclei in atoms. However, it was also recognized that if charge is accelerated, as it must be to remain in orbit, it radiates energy; so, theoretically, the electron would be expected eventually to spiral into the nucleus and destroy the atom. Studies centered around this paradox led to the development of quantum mechanics. It may well be that an equivalent t advance awaits us in investigating the theoretical problems presented by the phenomenon of gravitational collapse.
1.      The primary purpose of the passage is to
a.      offer new explanations for the collapse of stars.
b.      explain the origins of black holes, neutron stars, and white dwarfs.
c.       compare the structure of atoms with the structure of the solar system.
d.      explain how the collapse of stars challenges accepted theories of physics.
e.      describe the imbalance between radiation pressure and gravitational force.
Correct Answer : D

2.      According to the passage, in the final stages of its devedlopment our own sun is likely to take the form of a
a.      white dwarf
b.      neutron star
c.       red giant
d.      gas of free neutrons
e.      black hole
Correct Answer : A

3.      According to the passage, an imbalance arises between nuclear radiation pressure and gravitational force in stars because
a.      the density of a star increases as it ages
b.      radiation pressure increases as a star increases in mass
c.       radiation pressure decreases when a star’s fuel has been consumed
d.      the collapse of a star increases its gravitational force.
e.      a dense plasma decreases the star’s gravitational force.
Correct Answer : C

4.      The author asserts that the discoveries of the white dwarf, the neutron star, and the black hole are significant because these discoveries.
a.      demonstrate the probability of infinite density and infinitely small dimensions
b.      pose the most comprehensive and fundamental problem faced by physicists in decades
c.       clarify the paradox suggested by the collapse of electrons into atomic nuclei.
d.      establish the relationship between the mass and gravitational pressure.
e.      assist in establishing the age of the universe by tracing the life histories of stars.
Correct Answer : B

5.      The passage contains information that answers which of the following questions?
a.      I only
b.      III only
c.       I and II only
d.      II and III only
e.      I, II and III
Correct Answer : E

6.      The author introduces the discussion of the paradox concerning atomic structures in order to
a.      Show why it was necessary to develop quantum mechanics
b.      Compare the structure of an atom with the structure of star
c.       Demonstrate by analogy that a vital insight in astrophysics is missing
d.      Illustrate the contention that improbable things do happen in astrophysics
e.      Argue that atoms can collapse if their electrons do not remain in orbit.
Correct Answer : C
Lichens, of which more than twenty thousand species have been named, are complex associations between certain algae. The lichen it self is not an organism: rather it is the morphological and bio chemical product of the association. Neither a fungus nor an alga alone can produce lichen.
The intimate relationship between these two living components of lichen was once erroneously
though to represent mutualism.
In mutual relationships, both participants benefit. With lichens, however, it appears the fungus actually parasitizes the algae.

This is one of the conclusions drawn from experiments in which the two components of lichens were separated and grown apart.
In nature, lichen fungi may encounter and grow around saveral kinds of algae. Some types of
algae the fungi may kill; other types it may reject.
Lichen algae are autotrophic, meaning they make their own food through photosynthesis. Lichen fungi are heterotrophic, meaning they depend upon the algae within the lichen to supply their food. Up to ninety percent of than food  made by the green alga cell is transferred to the fungus. What, if anything, the fungus contributes to the association is not well understood.
Lichens are hardly. The grow in many habitats and are often pioneers in hostile environments where few other organisms can flourish.
They have been known to grow endolithically, having been discovered thriving inside of rocks in Antartica. Lichen help reduce erosion by stabilizing soil. Saveral kinds of insects glue lichens to their exoskeletons for camouflage.
Many species of birds use lichens as building materials for nests. Human have used lichens for
dyes and antibiotics.
1.       Which of the following best describes lichen association?
a.      Simple plants made of two different autotrophic organims.
b.      A mutual association between a fungus and an alga
c.       A parasitic association between two fungi, one autotrophic, the second autotrophic
d.      A union between a parasitic fungus and an autotrophic alga
Correct Answer :  B

2.      The word "hardly" in line 26 is clossest in meaning to
a.      Tender
b.      Durable
c.       Armed
d.      Beneficial
Correct Answer : B

3.      In Biology, mutualism occurs when two different organism live close together and
a.      One organism parasitizes the other
b.      Both organism benefit from the association
c.       Both organism are harmed by the association
d.      One organism benefits while the other does not or is harmed by the association
Correct Answer : B

4.      In line 7, the word "intimate" is nearest in meaning to
a.      Living
b.      Extraordinary
c.       Biological
d.      Close
Correct Answer : D

5.      Lichen serves as camouflage for which of the following?
a.      Insects
b.      Birds
c.       Reptiles
d.      Mammals
Correct Answer : A

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