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Selasa, 25 Maret 2014


NAMA                        : WIDYA AYU NURHAYATI
KELAS          : 3EB24
NPM               : 27211386


Listening Comprehension is tested in the first part of the TOEFL, is used to determine your ability to understand conversations in English. In this section you will hear a series of conversations (dialogue or monologue well) derived from a tape recorder or other audio device.
In this first part you will need to listen carefully and concentrate on the conversation (dialogue and monologue), it dikarenkan you will not get a second chance to re-listen to a conversation. For most people, Listening comprehension is the most challenging and difficult in the TOEFL test. Because in addition to the actual TOEFL test requires our ability to speak English, he also deals with the strategy that we used in the test.


1 . Understanding the shape command on each piece well before exam day .
By understanding the form of an order well in advance before the exam it will save time and focus on direct examination about being tested . Learn form of direction on the part of each of the following so you do not have to listen anymore during examination

2 . Read the answer choices for each question as much as possible when the narrator is memb -way scramble and example problems .
This way you can save time . After reading the answer choices , you have to remember it , so you can focus while listening to the conversation .

3 . Listen with full concentration and focus your attention on the conversation you 're listening to .
In addition to attune our ears to get used to the conversation in English , you also have to train yourself to concentrate . After losing concentration , most likely you will lose the idea to answer the question correctly .

4 . Maximize your ability to listen to the first question in each section .
If you can not answer a question you do not have to be glued or regret . Soon forget and do not worry about it because you still have a question that you need to do next . Even if you can not answer certain questions do not let your answer sheet blank , because your score will not be reduced if the questions wrong answer . There will be lucky if the correct answer of your choice . Luck factor also plays a role in the TOEFL exam .


This section consists of a brief conversation between two people ( dialogue ) , both men and women . The conversation is usually the theme of daily life , from the workplace to the academic environment .

The key that you can use in the face of Listening Comprehension Part A is as follows :

5 . Focus your hearing on the second call .
Most of the material in question in Part A is the classification of questions about what was said or meant by the second speaker .

6 . Do not panic if you can not understand the conversation word for word completion . You only need to capture an idea or content of the conversation .
Although not fully understand the conversation you will still have the opportunity to answer correctly . This is because it is usually the main idea of ​​the conversation . You just need to focus more on the second speaker . Then select the answer that is a restatement of the second speaker that has changed in another sentence .

Example : ( female ) : I hope you are able to be really productive today .
( Man ) : It was so hot that I could not get any work done .
( Narrator ) : WHAT THE MAN MEAN ?

Answer options :
( A ) He's a lot Implemented Since the weather .
( B ) It can not be too hot to work .
( C ) He completed a lot of work regardless of the weather .

( D ) Unless it was very hot , he did not get much work done .

You only need to remember the word " hot " and " could not get the job done " . Questions raised just a restatement . So , you will understand the purpose of the second speaker that he could not menyekesaikan task because the air is too hot . In other words he could not finish the job because of the weather . So you choose the answer ( A ) .

7 . If you really can not understand what the speaker is saying both , choose the best answer is different from what you hear .
It has become a standard pattern in the TOEFL test , where the desired answer is usually to use words that are completely different to what was spoken by the second speaker . Therefore , hidarilah choose the same answer that you have heard from both speakers . This pattern only outwit the test participants .
Example : ( Female ) : Is Nicky will work on a science project with us ?
( Man ) : He prefers not to work on group projects .

Answer options :
( A ) He prefers to work alone .
( B ) Working group of his preference .
( C ) He is working on a project about the preferences of the group .
( D ) He projects that the group will not work .

If you choose the answer ( A ) without knowing what the real meaning of the second speaker , but just look at the answers to the most different from the second statement , then you have nothing to lose . Because you choose the correct answer .

8 . Understanding the functional forms of expression ( agreement , uncertainty , suggestion , surprise ) , idiomatic expressions , and situations when the conversation is done .
Listening Comprehension Section A contains questions with certain patterns , as shown below :
• Functional Expression
Is the statement with certain patterns , such as approvals , uncertainties , suggestions , and shock .
Functional Expression Example
1 . ) Agreement
( Women ) : I never want to take another test like that again .
( Men ) : You can say that again .
( Narrator ) : WHAT THE MAN MEAN ?

Answer options :
( A ) She was always talking about the test .
( B ) It's okay if the woman continues to speak .
( C ) He wants the woman to repeat what he said .
( D ) He agreed that the exam was horrible .
" You can say that again " indicates that the second speaker ( men) agreed that the test is difficult trsebut ( D ) .

2 . ) Uncertainty
( Women ) : Did you see the announcement in the lobby ?
( Men ) : What is the announcement ?
( Narrator ) : WHAT MEANS THE MAN

Answer options :
( A ) He did not see the announcement .
( B ) She was not sure what it means announcement .
( C ) He's definitely where the lobby .
( D ) He does not know what he meant .
The question " What is the announcement ? " The second speaker shows that he does not know exactly what is meant by a speaker to talk about the first ( D ) .
3 . ) Advice
( Man ) : Is college worth attending tonight ?
( Women ) : Without a doubt !

  Answer options :
( A ) He doubted college .
( B ) Shel'll go to college without a watch.
( C ) worth of college is uncertain .
( D ) He talks going Believe valuable .
By using the phrase " without a doubt " the speaker wants to convince both the first speaker that evening lectures will be invaluable later ( D ) .

4 . ) Surprise
( Man ) : You know , Jason really did not do a good job on the presentation .
( Women ) : I can not believe that he was not ready !
( Narrator ) : WHAT WOMEN SAY ABOUT Janson

Answer options :
( A) The amount which he prepared was outstanding .
( B ) He was surprised that he was not ready .
( C ) It is impossible to prepare a presentation .
( D ) What he Presentes was outstanding .
The phrase is used by both the speaker expresses shock over Janson uncertainty in making a presentation ( B ) .

• Idiomatic Expression
Idiomatic expression is a set of words or phrases that make up a particular meaning such that it can not be interpreted word for word . For example , the phrase " fly into a rage " in no way related to the meaning of "flying " . This phrase means " became very angry " .
This model would be out in each TOEFL exam . So , you have to specifically study the expression of idioms in the English language that contains a book that specifically addresses the idioms or slang words .

• situation
The questions in Part A are also often asked about a situation or condition that is being discussed by the two speakers . Usually the place , the possibility that will happen , or theme that they are talking about .

This section examines the long dialogue between two people . Each dialogue is followed by some questions . Conversations in this section is usually the theme of life and school campus , such as how a professor giving a lecture , a conversation between two students in this paper . In addition , this section also often take belakangkan news theme with a background in the United States , such as environmental issues , health and so on .

Here is an example of a conversation on the part of B :

In the tape recorder / audio you hear :

( Narrator ) : Questions 31 to 34 . Listening to a conversation between two students .
( Man ) : Hey , Tiffany . How do you want to increase the level of educational background and your history ?
( Women ) : John , I do not understand what you say about .
( Man ) : I just took my final in History 101 this afternoon , and I'm trying to get rid of the books . It cost eighty dollars .
( Women ) : Why do not you try to sell it back to the bookstore ?
( Man ) : I'm tired , but they just will reund twenty dollars , and I paid a lot more for them . I want to get at least forty dollars .
( Women ) : Well , I'm not going to take History 101 , so I'm not really interested in books . Maybe you should ask some other friends .
( Man ) : I 've had . Everyone I know has taken History 101 and did not want the books .
( Women ) : Why do not you put some ads in the history of the bulding ? Maybe someone you do not know will contact you and buy it .

( Man ) : I 'll try , but I do not think that will work .
( Women ) : Then you 'll have to go back to the bookstore . After all , twenty dollars is better than nothing .

question :

31 . ( Narrator ) : What is this topic ?

Answer options :
( A ) Price textbooks .
( B ) History 101 .
( C ) University bookstore .
( D ) How to sell used books .

32 . ( Narrator ) : Why do men pull in selling his books ?
Answer options :
( A ) He is in desperate need of money .
( B ) Reading does not interest him .
( C ) He finished using them .
( D ) He prefers to have the books cheaper .

33 . ( Narrator ) : Why do not people want to sell books on the bookstore ?
Answer options :
( A ) The bookstore does not want to buy it .
( B ) He will not get enough money .
( C ) He does not like the book store ads .
( D ) It's too late to sell them to bookstores .

34 . ( Narrator ) : What women shows that men do?
Answer options :
( A ) Post a few ads .
( B ) Take 101 history .
( C ) Give the book to the bookstore for nothing .
( D ) Keep the book .

To conduct inquiries under Part B is a key that can be used as a weapon to work well .

9 . When the narrator discusses the direction of Part B you must read the answer choices first glance and then record it and predict what will be the theme of the talk .
You just need to catch a few words that can describe the conversation later . In this way we will hear much easier to follow and understand your speech will be heard .

10 . When listening to the conversation , you must know what the theme / topic .
You can train yourself to get used to quickly read the answer choices and then think carefully about the theme or topic is expected .
Beware of spoken conversation mentioned by the first speaker , because this is usually where the main idea , topic , or subject in question .

11 . Beware any questions .
Different from Part A , Part B in listening you will hear a series of long dialogue and then have to answer the four questions at once without repetition conversation . For that you have to be alert and focused to hear the questions read by the narrator . You only have a very short time to choose the correct answer before the narrator reads the following questions .

12 . Note the conditions and situations that occur during a conversation , the conversation about where and when , what and who are concerned .
You should be able to make conclusions about the situation because the talks in Part B are often asked to make inferences or conclusions about the conversation . To obtain the conclusion of the conversation you should be able to capture the data or information as possible from the conversation . Records relating to the time , place , who spoke and what was said in your memory . To that end , focused concentration is very important in the TOEFL exam section .
If you can not answer , pick the one you most trust . You will not get the consequences , if not , you have the opportunity to win extra points .

D. Part C : Discussion
This section consists of three long monologue conversation . The discussion in this section is usually also take the background of academic life : such as a lecture or speech presentation , and news topics that are hot in the United States .

13 . If you have time , take a look at the answer choices listed in the book and find keywords .
You do not have to read in detail because time is very short . Remember , you only have time to read the direction of the narrator . Because after that you have to concentrate on the conversation you 're listening to . So when reading the answer choices , you just need to capture some of the key words and then try to get an idea of the topics to be discussed . You also must be able to anticipate or predict what questions will be asked . This way you will listen to the conversation will be much easier . This is because when you can expect a theme , your memory for all things related to the theme will be active . Aktiasi allows you to become more familiar with the material you are going to listen to the conversation .

14 . Be careful discussion in the first sentence because it usually will be the topic for the next sentences .
Topic is the question that is often raised in the listening section C. It is usually always terletakpada talks first part , which is the third to the first sentence . Armed with the 13 keys , you will be stable for the first part of the conversation listening monologue .

15 . Focus your hearing on matters relating to question 5 - wh ( what , who, when , where , why ) and how .
This section is mostly questioned things related to the question : what , who, when , where , mnegapa , and how . Untu it , you should be smart about the observed object in question , where the conversation took place and so on .

16 . Drawing conclusions / inferasi situation when the conversation is done .
In Section C exam frequently asked questions require our ability to perform inferasi / conclusions from what is discussed in the talks . This is what makes most of the TOEFL test takers difficulty in working out problems Part C. This is reasonable , because we did not get the exact same punishment between answer choices are available with a monologue that is recognized by the participant . Therefore before the exam , you must train your ability to conclude the conversation .
Similarly , 16 buttons that you can use to Listen Compregension TOEFL exam . Even if you do not know at all the answers to certain questions , you still have to choose one of the available answers . You still get an extra chance to score in this way .

Irham Ali Saifuddin, 2010, Buku Pintar TOEFL, DIVA Press, Yogyakarta.